Friday, 22 March 2019


This past Wednesday, the United Nations released the 2019 Happiness Report.  I didn't know that such a thing existed until then...imagine, an international ranking of 156 countries to determine which is happiest.  It must feel good to be ranked high when it comes to happiness. 

For 2019, the happiest country in the world is Finland.  The other top-ten are Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada and Austria.  Look at that!  Canada finished 9th out of 156.  The rankings are based on factors such as economic wealth, life expectancy, social support, freedom to make life choices and levels of government corruption.  I guess Canada is in good company and we should be proud to make it into the top 10.

But, I wonder how it feels to be ranked near the bottom?  That would make me feel very unhappy.  I live in a pretty happy country, but apparently, a lot of other people do not.  Is it any wonder that levels of immigration are so high, that so many people and families are on the move seeking a better life?  Imagine living in a country that scored somewhere below 100 on that ranking.  I'd be trying to move up the scale too.

I live in the 9th happiest country largely by good fortune - I was borne here.  I like to think that I contribute in small ways to making Canada a happy country, but if chances were different, it could easily be me seeking a better life in a different country.  It's sobering to look at happiness from a another perspective and to recognize what a grace-filled gift I've been given.

Coincidentally, today is World Water Day.  I don't know if there's an international ranking for "water", but I suspect that Canada would finish fairly high on that scale, maybe even in the top 10.  We are gifted with great natural reserves of fresh, potable water, and bountiful seas and oceans; I tend to take the gift of water for granted too.  2.1 billion people live without safe water at home - many of them right here in Canada.  Somehow, that doesn't seem right in a country ranked 9th for happiness.

Don't get me wrong.  I think we should celebrate all these of happiness, gifts of clean water, gifts of prosperity - gifts of grace.  I think that before we take any credit for our good fortune, we should also try to bring those gifts to others.  That would really be worth celebrating.

Be grateful, together.

Take This Away With You

Gratitude is social.
It is about presence, participation and partnership.
It is about being with one another, in life together.
It is the thread of nature and neighbour,
the seemingly fragile strands of gifts and goodness
that weave our lives together.
~ from "Grateful", by Diana Butler Bass ~

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