Friday, 24 August 2018


Our vision statement at First United tells us that we are creating an open and welcoming community, led by the Love of God.  I wonder what people think that means.  I wonder what you think it means. 

I know we approved and adopted a new, equal marriage policy just about 12 months ago, but as significant a step as that was, I wonder if people think we've fulfilled our vision.  Do you?  I've got this feeling that as a faith community, we will always be working to make our vision a reality.  It's the sort of endeavour that, just when I think I've reached the top of the mountain, I look up and see another higher peak to climb. 

I'm certain that given the opportunity to think about it, each of us would come up with a different mental picture of what "open and welcoming" looks like.  You might see things that need to be done that no one else does when it comes to living into our vision as a faith community.  I came across a bit of a "road map" for congregations that are moving ahead on the path towards becoming open and welcoming. 

Here are the directions for that journey:

(1)  I must question my biases.  If I think I have no biases, I need to look deeper - to look with a different perspective.

(2)  I must challenge my assumptions and judgements.  How well do I really know the person or people about whom I have made assumptions?  Not well enough - it's time for a reset.

(3)  I must notice who is missing...when I gather with others in community - for worship, for a meal, for music, who isn't present, and why aren't they there?

(4)  I must value all voices.  This is hard - it's easy to value the opinion of people I agree with...but what about someone who holds a different view of things?  What about someone who doesn't believe in what I believe?

(5)  I must aim for equity.  Equity is a fancy term for a simple concept that we know as the Golden Rule.  Treating others as we would like to be treated.

It's not easy being an open and welcoming community, led by the Love of God.  Living into such a vision means accepting the reality that our vision will be the life-work of our church.  That's what it means to be disciples of Jesus.

As we start out on the Way of life each day, may our footsteps be guided by love and hope.


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