Friday, 24 August 2018


A couple of weeks ago, I sat with friends in a coffee shop and the discussion evolved around what books we had been reading over the summer.  I think it's been a great summer for reading - the heat and the humidity have made it easy to sit on a shady deck with a cold drink and work my way through the books I've had on my shelves for months.  I think I've easily averaged a couple of books a week. 

Some books standout for their inspirational qualities: books that make you think, question and wonder.  There have been many times when I have written down a special line or passage and said to myself, "I wish I'd thought of that."

One author wrote about the things that she wanted her children to learn and practice in their lives as they grew up...the sort of habits and lessons that will make their living meaningful and fulfilling.  She wrote about how we act and what we think shapes our intentions.  I found myself nodding my head in silent agreement with her words of encouragement and guidance: if we start out from a basis of love and hope, things tend to go in a positive direction.  And, what might be more important, when our intentions are infused with hope, love, generosity and compassion, we will be in a better place even when the outcome is not what we expected.

I immediately felt the wisdom of that woman's words to her children.  There are many things in life that are beyond my understanding and out of my control.  But, that doesn't mean that the choices I make are unimportant when it comes to experiencing the ups and downs of life.  I know I can make my life miserable if my outlook is dominated by fear or anger.  Instead, I can make life worth the living by starting out every day with love and hope shaping my intentions.  May it be so.

As we start out on the Way of life each day, may our footsteps be guided by love and hope.


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