Friday, 31 August 2018


I've known for quite a few years now, the blessings that I receive as a member of this community.  Community is something that I often take for granted, until a day comes along when I am reminded what a precious and priceless gift it is to be one in the circle of lives in our faith community.

I've had a few of those days recently and I hope you have too.  If you haven't, take a chance and come to church some Sunday.  That's where the gifts of community have found me.

Gifts, you ask?  What kind of gifts do we receive by coming to church?

I can't speak for you, but I can tell you what my experience has been.  The gifts start in that 15-minute segment before the service begins, when I meet people I haven't seen for a while.  Sometimes it been a week since I last saw you, and sometimes it's been longer; but, however long it's been, I'm joyful to see you again.  We talk about the weather, your children and grandchildren, your aches and pains, the things that are good in your life and those that aren't.  There will be music playing in the background to remind us we are in church.

Then, someone will bring us to attention and we worship together.  There are announcements, there is prayer, there is more music - music of the best kind, that we sing together.  If we are lucky, some folks offer a personal gift of music and we can just sit there and enjoy that together.  Every time we gather like this, we hear stories told, stories from long ago about how people lived in their world and with God.  Someone will also stand up and tell us a personal story...a minister or someone who just has a story to share.  At some point in our time together, we all get a chance to offer up gifts of time, talent and treasure and no matter what we offer, we are blessed and thanked for what we can give.

On most occasions, we have a chance to eat and drink together - this is a very special gift of communion-ity; it might be a tiny glass of grape juice and a miniscule square of bread; or, it could be coffee and tea and sweets - or if it's really a special occasion, we'll have a full meal of some sort.  However and whatever we eat, the important thing is we will do it together.

The most precious of blessings that I receive in community is when someone shares something deeply personal with me.  It might be something that terrifies or hurts them - but they want me to know what they know.  It might also be something that is wonderful in their life and they just want me to understand how thankful they are to be part of it, or to laugh with them.  Whatever it might be, the core of what they are sharing is vulnerability.  I understand that it is because we are in the circle of community that it can be shared.

Come to church and share in the gifts.

May the Lord bless us and keep us, be gracious to us and give us peace.


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