Friday, 21 December 2018


You're probably tired of me telling you what to do...but I'm going to chance it one more time.

Advent has just about turned into Christmas and my wish for each and every one you is that you will find something to celebrate.  I really don't care what your reason is for celebration, and it doesn't matter to me what form your celebration takes - as long as you celebrate.  Loosen up and let that gratitude and joy out into the world.

Today is the winter solstice.  Rain or shine, we who live at 113 Kingston Beach are going to celebrate the shortest day of the year and the return to longer periods of daylight, with a fierce bonfire.  Okay, maybe that's and exaggeration.  But, the dancing flames of our modest backyard fire will raise our spirits, give us heart for the remaining days of winter and lift our eyes to the approach of spring...yes, SPRING!  If we get a chance to roast some bologna over the coals, that will be a bonus.  I'm not certain why I feel this need to celebrate the solstice; perhaps it's in my blood.  I can imagine long ago in my ancestry, there was an Irish clan of McDonagh's who danced around an open fire on this longest of nights.

A few days later, I'm going to celebrate again, a celebration that will last several days, taking me through Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and on to the New Year.  I'm going to celebrate by singing with you at church, eating (many times) with family, stepping back a bit from work and taking some special care of myself and those I cherish.  I'm going to celebrate the story of a baby born to the world and bringing a special love for each of us, even those of us who might think we are not deserving and that we cannot celebrate it.  Yes, we can!

Celebration is an expression of that sacred regard we have for life.  Create your own celebratory traditions for the people and memories you treasure.  Honour them and hold them up in a way that suits your circumstances - whether that's by silent prayer, a quiet walk with friends, a family dinner or a raucous party with all the neighbours.

Who are you grateful for?  What will you celebrate?

A Week's Worth of Gratitude

Saturday ~ a day of sunlight
Sunday ~ fishing with Thom
Monday ~ a good dentist
Tuesday ~ friends at the movies
Wednesday ~ the OSHaRE crew from First United
Thursday ~ Susan & Paul
Friday ~ winter solstice

Friday Prayer

I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining.
I believe in love, even though I don't feel it.
I believe in God, even when he is silent.
~ a survivor of Auschwitz ~

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