Monday, 24 February 2020


Several of you have approached me since the completion of our annual meeting, to ask me for more details about our intention to transition from a program-sized church to a pastoral-sized church.  I know that in trying to explain that concept, I have not been able to give a clear answer to your questions; one reason for my uncertainty is straightforward: I don't know.  The second, more challenging reason is that the pastoral-sized church we transition to will be was we make of it...God being our helper.

It's not that I don't have my own ideas about what we might do in the transition.  I have lots of ideas - some are practical, others are pie-in-the-sky, some you would agree with, others would turn you off.  I'm willing to share some of them with you on the basis that you think and share some of your ideas with me and with others.

My thoughts for First United as pastoral-sized church include:

+ a faith community that lives out its vision in practical ways, all week long, not just on Sunday morning.  That means each of us being open and welcoming, even when that's not our comfort zone.
+ having a sense of ourselves as a big, extended family.  We would know each other and when we didn't, we'd make an effort to do so.
+ we would act like we have a personal stake in our faith community...sharing the load of leadership and also being good followers or, perhaps a more accurate word would be "disciples".
+ we would work closely with our minister to make certain our church life is rich and rewarding.
+ we would do the small things that count in a family: eating together, sitting and singing together in church, offering help, paying attention to who is present and who isn't, taking action to find out why.
+ be forgiving of each other, being generous, merciful and compassionate...even when it's a struggle.

When I read those ideas, I think to myself, "that ought to be easy enough".  I wish that were so - but, I think we will have to help and support each other as we move through the months ahead. 

That's okay though, that's what families do.
Take  This Away
You only have to turn your ship a few degrees
 to end up on a completely different shore.
~ Economist, Feb 14 2020 ~

A Week of Gratitude
Saturday ~ basking in the sun
Sunday ~ generous donors
Monday ~ Family Day
Tuesday ~ safe journey
Wednesday ~ serving at OSHaRE
Thursday ~ cold, crisp weather
Friday ~ a prayer before work from Rev. Paul Ivany

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