The morning sun rises over the ridge behind
our home, its wintry angle providing not a lot of warmth until well overhead,
if at all because clouds move in. The sunrise never fails to awaken in me
a sense of awe and hope. I don't think I'll ever cease being amazed by
what I see in nature.
What Something More set in motion, billions
of years ago now, has not grown out of fashion or faded in its deep effect on
I know that our home is built upon one of
several sea shores that once enclosed a lake far greater than the body of water
I now look out upon. Go up over the ridges and I can see that a hundred
feet of water might have once covered were we live. What must the
sunrises have looked like in those times? Might the sun have set then over
an endless expanse of water rather than slipping below the Bruce Peninsula?
Trees and plants have lived here before and
after the glaciers scraped the land clean in their advance and then, in their
retreat, deposited the rocks and stones that made the land so hard to farm.
The trees, grasses and shrubs continue to reclaim lands that have long
been abandoned to farming. Nature, the creative spirit of Something More,
is relentless and will always find a way to take back; to renew.
Buildings; sprawling cities with competing
towers seeking the title of tallest, do little for me anymore, other than make
me wonder how sustainable all this is. Give me the walk down to the shore
to listen to the waves break against the ice. Give me the whispered sound
of the wind in pines and spruces that sleep in winters cold.
Give me the sight and sound of a new born
child, Creation's gift, not yet spoiled or soiled by our self-proclaimed
electronic enlightenment. Give me the quiet night of sitting with a loved
one where nothing is said because nothing need be said.
Give me the hand offered to another to lift
up and support. Give me the compassion of loving presence in the life of
the elderly, in the life of the hungry or thirsty stranger, in the life of
those who grieve.
For such things, we were made.
Give me the touch of the luminous web that
yearns for all life to be as one; the touch that births awe and hope.
Peace and be well, friends.