has taken me quite a few years to "get" Advent. I'm not talking about the meaning that we are
told, but the meaning for me, in my heart and soul. Biblical studies and resources speak about
the expectant waiting for, the anticipation of the birth of Jesus and the
coming of Christ. Somewhere in what I
feel and experience, that preparatory sense exists, but it's secondary to a
whole bunch of other emotions that are intensified at this time of year.
This photo by Bob McGauley of Sault
Ste. Marie is the striking image that got me thinking about what Advent means
to me. The beautiful star that he
captures, the product of natural light and ice, is symbolic of the hope that
wells up in me at this time of the year.
It's irrational for me to feel more hopeful at Christmas than at any
other time of the year, but that's the truth of it. It's a complicated type of hopefulness that I
feel though - a lot of ingredients get dumped into that pot of hopefulness and
mixed together. I feel happy to have
most of the year behind me; good and bad, it's done with and the need to move
on is ever present. I feel eager for the
year to come, the challenges that will need to be faced, the joyful and
not-so-joyful times to be shared. I'm
eager to repeat some of what worked well and just as eager to try something
different. I feel a sense of promise and
renewal that may be nothing more than getting ready to start on a new calendar
- but I think it runs deeper than that.
I find that I relish the thought of a new start most, when I've had a
chance to reflect on where I've been or what I've been through. For me, that's when the next stage of the
journey becomes so compelling, drawing us on toward the next experiences life
will offer us.
other aspect of Bob's image that has meaning for me at Advent are the lines in
the ice that look like layers. They make
me remember the layers that make up my life, the people I love, the people who
are present in my mind and no longer a physical presence. Those lines and layers make me remember the
joyful experiences of the last year and the times, frankly, when I did not want
company and would have been a burden to others.
Those layers make me remember that my life is not one uniform, constant
experience. My life is more like a layer
cake or a jelly roll (trust me to use a food metaphor) that has a combination
of sweet and bitter, soft and hard, smooth and crunchy. You might want to be able to pick only the good parts, but life serves
a full helping of everything, the good and the bad.
I love this time of
year, in spite of the push to consume and the drive to count down the shopping
days. The more I can focus on that
feeling of hopefulness, the better chance I have to love the experience too. This re-phrased version of Psalm 126
expresses it better than I have:
When the Divine Lover
enters the human heart,
all yearnings are
Then will our mouths
ring forth with laughter,
and our tongues with
shouts of joy;
Then will we sing our
songs of praise,
to You, O Beloved of all
For gladness will
radiate out for all to see;
so great is your
Presence among us.
Restore us to wholeness,
O Healer
like newborn babes who
have never strayed from You!
May all who sow in tears
of repentance,
bearing seeds of Love,
Come home to You with
shouts of joy,
leaving sorrow behind.
Psalms for Praying - An Invitation to
Wholeness, by Nan. C. Merrill, 2009, Continuum Publishing.
Blessings to all. Pat<><
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